miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2021


Educational Platforms.

Definition: An educational platform is a program that encompasses different types of tools for teaching purposes. Its main function is to facilitate the creation of virtual environments to teach all kinds of training over the internet the need for progamming knowledge.


Nowadays, we have faced for the first time a pandemic and with it, we have learned a different way to teach. Teachers, who were getting used to work in the classrooms have to learn about platforms. There are different platforms to sing in and learn.


Beside social media, like Facebook where you hung up with people, in educational platforms, you have to make up with interactive material, unloading videos and assigning homework and test.


On the other hand, some teachers come across with the time when they were learners, because some of them did not know about technology, social media and platforms. When they started surfing on internet, they keep up with it.

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